Crying Yelling Reading Playing, 2020
I had to give Amphetamine- Dextroamphetamine Extended Release 15 mg (M 8953) to my little friend, who is seven years old and who was visiting for an improvised EV summer camp. He has been taking it every morning, with his juice, or with water, since his dad died, pleading, crying for his life, at the back of a Police car, three years ago in May. My little friend visited for three days, which included two nights and two mornings. When you put Amphetamine/Dextroamphetamine into a mouth of a little angel something spins all you know into a ball of an entangled mess. That mess does not untangle. Earlier, waiting for him in front of his house, I had seen a man carrying a small, maybe two-year-old, crying boy, and punching repeatedly this little two-year-old chest hoping for it to shut quiet. I am still frozen. I did not say anything as they disappeared into a NYCHA building. I hate that I didn't. But I was waiting for my friend.
[wax crayon and watercolor on blackout fabric, 54 x 41 inches]
Laughing With Lora, 2020
My mom is being held back from sliding into her Alzheimer dreams by something called Polmatine. I keep imagining it as an afternoon drug, like an afternoon movie (I write its title high up on an imaginary marquee) that you watch on a senior ticket to keep cool in the summer. The movie is colorful and helps you digest your morning and excites you to plan something nice for the night. Helps you shape words from vowels, only vowels, and it is like laughing with a friend. Lorafen (a.k.a Lorazepam Intensol ) should be added if one gets too anxious during the movie or the whole thing of soirée planning.
[wax crayon and watercolor on blackout fabric, 54 x 41 inches]